MH Impact : Responsive Business WordPress Theme : MH Themes

MH Impact is a business WordPress theme suitable for small and big business organizations. MH Themes has crafted it work for all types of business who sells services, products or anything. The theme is a best package for people who needs to create online presence to communicate with clients. The homepage layout is very much flexible and good enough to display all key points.

MH Impact MH Themes - Responsive WordPress Theme for Business

If you test it over your smart phone or tablet screen then you will see everything in clear and resized mode. Thanks to flexible layout and mobile friendly design that meets all demands for modern business sites.

MH Elegance Theme Review : MH Themes

Quick Overview : MH Impact WordPress Theme

Header Design : The entire header section looks gorgeous when you add contacts, social links, menu and logo image. The top header area has text box to display phone number on the left. The right side is a social navigation menu that presents different social profiles using built-in icons. The main header is also divided into two sections. The left area for logo image and right one to for primary navigation menu.

If you setup this type of clear and catchy header then you can definitely draw visitor’s attention onto main elements. As a result you will see many page views within site and also get many social media followers from the website.

Header - MH Impact Theme

General Widget Areas : MH Impact sidebar widgets are shown on single posts and pages except homepage. Same way, footer also shows 3 widget columns through whole site. That’s why, footer and sidebar are known as general widget areas as they appear everywhere on the website. The sidebar position can be changed to left or right side using page layout options.

If you place widgets in right locations then you can surely notice good results. Mostly, widget section are used to share latest posts, social links, banners, company intro, custom menus, newsletter sign-up box and more. So you can use all widgets in different way to get more leads, improve page views, and do much more.

Homepage Overview : MH Themes for Business

Homepage Layout : The one that you see in demo preview is just one sample of homepage. If you use all homepage sections and content widgets in right way, then you can make many unique versions for homepage. That means, despite using single template for many sites you can still develop different websites. The homepage has been developed with 3 sections : Home 1 (top) widget area, Content section (middle), and Home 2 (bottom).

MH Impact - Widget Locations Preview

When you add some text, HTML contents or anything from WordPress editors, then it will appears below Home 1. These two widget blocks can present many contents by adding multiple widgets in different orders. So you need a few minutes to create a content rich an professional looking homepage for your business website. The MH Themes package has many content widgets to populate content on homepage areas.

We will have a look at all widgets to get clear idea about all of them. Before we start our talk, you must know that home widgets sections are optional. So you can enable/disable widget blocks for any home section and content area as you like.

Slideshow Widget : This MH Impact widget permits you to choose maximum 5 slides. The widget options will ask you to insert Image URL, Title, and Custom URL to link to source page. Visitors will notice slider contents easily because it has wide and big space. So it is mostly ideal to promote offers, special announcements or anything that should be noticed by all visitors.

MH Custom Slider Widget - MH Themes

MH Call to Action Widget : Setup calls to action block to navigate visitors onto special deals or important page. This widget asks you to enter title and sub title that is shown on left. Apart from that, it also shows a small button on the right of title. So you can enter a custom button text (e.g. click here) and link to link anywhere.

MH Call to Action Widget

All Other Home Widgets : MH Impact Theme

MH Custom Pages : This special widget links you to any custom page from within your side. All you need to do is just choose pages for each section by providing Page ID. Single widget can display 3 pages in featured style. Each page shows round featured image, title, description and link to access full page.

If you have more pages then you can use single widget multiple times to promote all key pages on homepage. To be more clear, you can use it to promote top level pages like Services, About, Price, and more.

MH Custom Pages Widget - Business Them MH Custom

MH Buttons Widget : Many people use this widget to add two big buttons with unique text and icon links. This section is helpful like calls to action, but it only shows buttons and no extra titles. The widget asks you to provide button text and name from Font Awesome Icons. And yo will see a unique output showing large and bold button with icon link. It can be ideal to diver visitors onto sign-up page or trial section. You can add maximum 2 buttons using single widget.

MH Buttons Custotm Widget

MH Pricing Tables : Promote all your product plans and package with this widget easily. The widget let’s you enter price table details like Title, Price and List of features or benefits. One widget can insert 3 price list columns so you can use one or multiple price table widgets as per requirements.

Pricing Table Widget - MH Business Theme

Conclusion : MH Themes

Other Widgets : Other two widgets includes “MH Google Maps” and “MH Blog”. The maps widget can show your business location by entering embed code received from google maps. Along with map, you will get text box to enter extra information like address, contact, email or other stuff. The blog widget will show one featured post and extra links from blog section. So visitors can see latest posts without going to blog page.

Map and Blog widgets - MH Impact

Apart from custom homepage, MH Impact WordPress theme offers extra blog page, useful widgets, page layouts etc. You will find options panel with many controls to manage color skins, background, fonts, and styling for website. This is top selling business theme on MH Themes store. Please check demo page and product page details to get other details.

MH Themes – MH Impact Theme : Click for Demo & Price
