ShowThemes Januas : Best Multiple Events WordPress Theme

Introducing Januas : One of the best multiple event management WordPress theme by ShowThemes. The advanced event listing options will easily create a website to promote events, conferences, concerts, seminars or any programs. The theme comes with highly responsive portal that will promote your events on mobiles, tablet, and every where with different screen sizes.

This premium event marketing consist of social media support so you can promote your events on social sites and get many followers. Apart from that, you will see custom options to manage performers and sessions.

Januas WordPress Event Theme - ShowThemes

Tickled Pink Review : Restored 316

Easy Homepage Setup : Januas WordPress Theme

Flexible Home Sections : Before we begin reviewing homepage area, I request my readers to have a look at homepage from the live demo. Now, you must have got idea on the possibilities about homepage. The homepage shows slider section, search bar, latest events list, latest blog posts and sponsors list. All these are hand picked elements and you can customize homepage to promote any contents that deserve to be featured on homepage.

Slideshow : The first slider block looks nice with full-width slider featuring each slide with images and details. You can set slides to promote events, full post link, details etc. If you draw attention on the bottom slider area then you will find date, location and event registration page link on bottom. The event Slider scrolls automatically and also displays navigation buttons on the both side.

Frontpage Slider - Search - Events

Search/Filter Bar : Januas is a multiple event listing WordPress theme, so yo must create nice search bar so that visitors can easily locate desired listings. The search bar provides two options : either you can use search box to find events with custom keyword, or choose specific category. The category list will display existing categories so you can choose one or define custom one in given box.

This way, visitors can easily enter keywords for any program or seminar and find desired event instantly within few moments. Besides that, you can also display sponsors logo or advertisement banners to make extra income. This is goo way to monetize your homepage with some partners, or sponsors.

Latest Events : This is home section that will display all the newly published events on homepage. Therefore, visitors will be able to see many new featured events listing with Share and Read more button. Same way, you can also display latest blog post entries so that homepage visitors would easily become engaged with contents.

Other Options : ShowThemes Multiple Event Theme

Single Event Page : The socially optimized layout will display sharing buttons everywhere with featured listings and full post. So, your best events will automatically get shared by visitors among their followers. Event listing page will display Venue, Schedule, Ticker Selling details, Maps and other stuff. You will find a floating navigation bar on all event listing pages.

Hence, user can click on them to reach on description, videos, map, facebook, speakers and schedules section. This auto scrolling navigation bar will automatically take user to the selected section and will save their time. You can decide to add social links, media items, ticket options and all event related details at your own will. The custom event pages are customized with pre-formatted drop-down sections. Admin user will have full control over look and feel of event listing page.

Event Listing Page Features - Januas ShowThemes

Performers Management : Januas WordPress theme has it’s own system so that you can manage the details of all performers from single database. Once you create performer database from listing page, then you can allocate selected speakers to any seminars. This entity can be used to list out speakers, singers, actors, or any one who is going to be leading the event or program.

Easy Schedule Management : We all know the trouble that arises while adding lots of data on single page. But, things will become much more easier when you will use top class schedule listings system powered by ShowThemes. You can display multiple sessions, locations and performers in clear style. There is be much more clean space around all contents so that visitors can easily read all the details from events and schedule sections.

Schedule and Performer Management - Januas Event Template

Januas Other Features :

Event Watermarks : Custom watermarks have been added to help you assign them to mark event as Ended or Sold out. These watermark text are highlighted on featured image with cross ribbon style. The featured listings will display nice bold title, water mark bar, share button (social media links) and More link to access full event page.

Watern Mark Events Featured Listing - Januas Theme

Header/Footer : You can control header and footer both sections to display logo, menu and selected widgets. The header is particularly designed to highlight your logo, and menu with custom links. Whereas, footer area is totally occupied with widget sections. So, this becomes a good place to display big email sign-up form, Ad banner, Social links, Contacts, Menu links or anything.

Header Footer - Januas Theme

Other Details : With the help of built-in page builder elements and theme options, you can easily start event portal with no coding skill. Just open back-end area and you will have easy controls to edit colors, fonts, home sections and other stuff. You can apply custom fonts, color style, background and layouts from options board.

Januas is highly Responsive for all devices with small or landscape screen sizes. The search engine friendly design will give you lots of benefit to rank your contents top on the search engines. Thanks to the fast page loading speed and easy to manage options panel. This is best multiple events listing WP template for all types of events website.

Responsive Event WordPress Theme - Januas

ShowThemes- Januas Theme : Click for Demo & Price
