Histogram is minimal portfolio WordPress theme for creative freelancers by HappyThemes. It’s elegant and simple look makes it best choice for personal resume site to display skills and work done for previous clients. The combination of modern look, fast loading performance and mobile ready layout makes it perfect choice for project showcase needs.
This is ideal WP theme for small agency, product developer, service seller and artists. The creative portfolio theme is suggestible for people who wants to put all focus on imagery to display work in action. It still shows title, and description using text elements but image is always in big focus.
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Histogram WordPress Theme Review :
Portfolio Grid : We have seen lots of modern portfolio templates in last few months. But, this is the only theme with clean and light fast loading page layout. The ability to create dynamic featured grid for portfolio listing page makes it most powerful. You can display all project post entries using stylish flexible grid layout.
Placing mouse on any featured image shows zoom-in effect with a stylish line border. The mouse hover effect reveals post title and user can view full post by clicking on thumbnail.
Project Listing : The single page shows description including title, project information, and all details configured by author. It shows text big title and description at the beginning of the post on top area. Further space is allotted to display imagery gallery in grid, list or selected style. The project listing page can add single, or many images along with videos if integrated by agencies.
Histogram has flexible fluid responsive layout to work on all devices. Hence, you are going to target visitors from all internet devices.
Header On Left: The entire menu section is placed on the left corner to offer full focus to main content area. The header on the left provides space to display logo, tag-line, navigation menu and social menu. Agencies can choose unique header logo to promote brand across site visitors. The tag-line can include slogan or text that shows goal or uniqueness of business.
The fixed header on the left will not move while scrolling through the page. Therefore, user is always connected to header section and navigation system.
Happy Themes Portfolio Theme Benefits :
Gutenberg : WordPress has been offering traditional editor for many years, but things have change recently. The Gutenberg support has totally transformed the way you customize page or post contents. It has brought visual editor so author can drag and drop contents at right place just like page builders. The blocks are flexible to be placed in any order so novice user can also develop stylish page in minutes.
Blog Feature : Most of the businesses and freelancer service providers need a blog for content promotion. Histogram has a separate blog section that shows post entries in list style using big featured image. Each blog article shows Next / Previous post links and comment box. Creative people can start promoting product features and useful skills through blog option. This is how a blog would bring more people and convert them into client.
Elementor Page-builder : Many creative agencies are not satisfied with simple page looks. In this case, they can use Elementor WordPress page builder to create dynamic pages. The builder offers quick way to add featured sections to display photos, blog posts, contacts, CTA and other elements. You can develop landing page, and content focused home page using flexible page builder plugin.
Happy Themes – Histogram Conclusion :
Featured Homepage : The homepage is very flexible to display anything that is most important for your business website. The demo here highlights portfolio in featured content area. But you can display anything using page builder. The Elementor builder can insert call to action, blog posts, portfolio, introduction, price list, contact form and lots of stuff on front-page.
The homepage is divided in two sections the top part of “Featured Text” that shows introduction. Rest of the part is called “Featured Content” which could be latest posts from portfolio and blog.
Responsive : It’s hard to serve user on different screen sizes with traditional themes. But, this is fluid responsive WordPress portfolio theme that serves user on small mobile screen. The ability to adjust on any screen type makes suggest this theme to any one who needs modern looking photo gallery listing site.
Theme Customiser : User don’t have to write any code in order to setup navigation, frontpage, blog and color styles. The customize loads all theme options to setup menu bar, widget areas, portfolio, and other sections. There are lots of choices available for font style, background and color. You can choose style according to branding needs while still serve with professional layout.
This is best solution for people looking for simple looking portfolio template with modern back-end features.
HappyThemes – Histogram Theme : Click for Demo & Price