RichWP Rich Master Demo : Blog WordPress Theme

Rich Master Theme is a Journal and Blogging WordPress theme powered by RichWP. This developer team has got wide experienced in developing blog and magazine type templates. So this theme perfect theme store for every one who is looking for quality WordPress themes for blog, affiliate and other websites need. It provides many color styling and typography customization options. Hence, journal writers should have more flexibilities to display their stories in clean style.

Products, Arts & Services Review – RichWP

Rich Master WordPress Theme Review - RichWP

From top to bottom, each section is optimized with clean and content focused layout. If you visit homepage then you will see unique header elements and many widget areas. The single post area is also optimized with related items and sidebar widgets. We love this theme just for it’s modern content focused layout.

What We Liked About Rich Master WordPress Theme ?

The premium blogging theme is optimized through many factors which makes it best WordPress blog theme in the market. If you try loading demo preview and browse different sections then you will see smooth loading speed. It just won’t take long time to navigate from one page to another. The media contents (image, video) are also loaded with great speed, making it ideal for creative bloggers.

This WordPress theme has been tried on many authority blog platforms. And it provided very helpful to boost advertisement revenue and overall page-views. Thanks to RichWP Rich Master Theme developers for providing custom options panel which requires only little time to change anything. The options panel takes no coding skill when it comes to change color skins, fonts, header, front page and other sections.


WordPress customizer is one stop for all your needs, it gives you access to all options required to change navigation bar, header, layout and everything. The search engine optimized coding makes it best solution to out rank competitors. The WooCommerce integration, widgets collection and default page templates makes it complete product for all blogging and personal websites need.

Rich Master Theme RichWP

Responsive : The development work has been done using modern concept where you get benefit of clean coding and responsive design. Therefore, user should have no issue when it comes to invite mobile and tablet users. The theme should fine to respond over smallest screens regardless of screen sizes. You can try resizing browser window to test demo instantly for responsive test.

And see how everything easily adapts to your screen. The navigation bar, featured images, header, front-page and everything will be visible from hand held devices. At the same time, it maintains same speed and visibility for resized contents. So user experience is never affected because of different screen types.

Floating Header/Sidebar : These are two main navigation sections for Rich Master Theme. And both of them are powered by floating design which makes them visible all the time. The header section provides wide space to present logo, menu entries and custom social profile links using icons. The sidebar gives you widget space to add banners, recent posts, and other stuff.


If you try scrolling on demo then you will see that header and sidebar both are visible when you keep scrolling on the page. This way, your readers will be always in touch with header menus and sidebar contents. And it is required to help them browse more contents without scrolling here and there.

Other Benefits : RichWP Blogging Theme

Single Post : If you check-out any article from demo then it will show you banner widget sections on the top and bottom area. You could configure them to show off adsense ads or affiliate banners. Apart from that, it helps you to display large featured image on the top of every section. The bottom area includes many other features like social sharing icons list, author box, threaded comments, tags list etc.

The Rich Master WordPress Theme presents related posts entries with large thumbnails below all posts. So readers are encouraged to browse more articles as they are fetched from relevant tags or categories.


Other best feature includes optional homepage widget area (top of the page), footer 4 columns area, archive template, full width template and more. The theme easily works with free eCommece plugin, famous as WooCommerce. So this is a better chance to turn a blog into product store. I would suggest this theme to every one who needs blog or goods store.

The homepage always shows latest posts entries using excerpt and featured images. So visitors should be able to read new articles or they can browse old posts using pagination. Menubar works as a navigation point to take visitors onto particular category page, homepage, contact sections or other useful areas. This is best opportunity to create blog or content sharing site.


RichWP – Rich Master Theme : Click for Demo & Info
